Douglas Tomuriesa, Pope Francis and James Marape

  Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa said he is disappointed and embarrassed over the way His Holiness Pope Francis was treated by Prime Minister James Marape over the last three-days during the Papal visit, and the lack of courtesy and respect shown by the Prime Minister. He said the Prime Minister continuously declares PNG as a ‘Christian country’ and prides himself on being a religious individual but he was surprised when the Pope was continuously snubbed by the PM over the weekend since the Pope’s arrival on Friday. “The Pope is the head of the Catholic church, the largest Christian church in the world and he is also a head of state. “PNG not only being a Christian country, but a country that prides itself as a ‘friend to all, enemy to none’, the PM should be according the Pope with the highest level of respect,” Tomuriesa said. The Opposition Leader pointed out that on Friday, the Prime Minister did not welcome the Pope at the airport, a tradition he had accorded to many other wo

Marchers mourn Imelda


Main Stories

WOMEN, men and children – some covered in clay and chanting “we want justice” – marched to Mendi town yesterday as they mourn the killing of Imelda Tupi.
Police found Imelda’s body wrapped in a heavy canvas sheet at the back of a vehicle belonging to her doctor husband on Monday.
Police took her body to the hospital mortuary and later arrested the husband and two others.
Southern Highlands police commander Chief Supt Martin Lakari said investigations were continuing.
He said the cause of death was yet to be determined.
A police investigation team from Mendi is in Mt Hagen.
Police sources said Imelda was allegedly killed in Southern Highlands and her body was being taken to Western Highlands where it was to be disposed of.
Imelda’s father Tupi Tiamanda told The National yesterday that he wanted justice for his daughter.
He said his daughter was attending the University of Goroka when she met her husband who allegedly assaulted her.
“They were together for 10 years,” he said.
“I have so many questions I want to ask the accused but I will let justice prevail.”
He said the last time anyone saw his daughter alive was on Sunday.
“It wasn’t until Tuesday when we found out what happened,” he said.
The vehicle had left their home in Mendi on Monday evening and was stopped at a police checkpoint when the officers noticed the three men acting suspiciously.


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