Douglas Tomuriesa, Pope Francis and James Marape

  Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa said he is disappointed and embarrassed over the way His Holiness Pope Francis was treated by Prime Minister James Marape over the last three-days during the Papal visit, and the lack of courtesy and respect shown by the Prime Minister. He said the Prime Minister continuously declares PNG as a ‘Christian country’ and prides himself on being a religious individual but he was surprised when the Pope was continuously snubbed by the PM over the weekend since the Pope’s arrival on Friday. “The Pope is the head of the Catholic church, the largest Christian church in the world and he is also a head of state. “PNG not only being a Christian country, but a country that prides itself as a ‘friend to all, enemy to none’, the PM should be according the Pope with the highest level of respect,” Tomuriesa said. The Opposition Leader pointed out that on Friday, the Prime Minister did not welcome the Pope at the airport, a tradition he had accorded to many other wo

PM: No breakaway provisions


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PRIME Minister James Marape says there are no provisions in Papua New Guinea’s Constitution that allows for one part of the country to break away and form its own country, including Bougainville.
“The word ‘Independence’ was used as a referendum choice,” he said.
“It does not mean the Government has automatically agreed to that move.
“A political settlement can only happen for Bougainville when all parliamentary processes have been complied with, including a wide national consultation and Constitutional amendments reflecting the result of that consultation.”
Marape said 2027 was the proposed date by the Autonomous Bougainville Government for its Independence.
“The Government has tentatively accepted the date but at no point did we agree to Independence,” he clarified in a statement on Wednesday.
“Sensitivity in disseminating information to the public is paramount as ‘Bougainville Independence’ not only meant changes to Bouganville’s political autonomy but also huge changes that will affect PNG’s Constitution, with major implications on its people into the future.”
Marape clarified that the process of getting the results of the 2019 referendum “ratified” by Parliament, which involved a long complex of work that included at its core, a national consultation and major amendments to the Constitution, depending on the outcome of that consultation.
He said while it was important to pay heed to the plight of Bougainville, “it is equally important to also pay attention to the implications secession will mean to the rest of the country”.
“This is no small matter,” he said.
“It involves the sovereignty of PNG.
“It involves a change to our borders.”


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