
Douglas Tomuriesa, Pope Francis and James Marape

  Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa said he is disappointed and embarrassed over the way His Holiness Pope Francis was treated by Prime Minister James Marape over the last three-days during the Papal visit, and the lack of courtesy and respect shown by the Prime Minister. He said the Prime Minister continuously declares PNG as a ‘Christian country’ and prides himself on being a religious individual but he was surprised when the Pope was continuously snubbed by the PM over the weekend since the Pope’s arrival on Friday. “The Pope is the head of the Catholic church, the largest Christian church in the world and he is also a head of state. “PNG not only being a Christian country, but a country that prides itself as a ‘friend to all, enemy to none’, the PM should be according the Pope with the highest level of respect,” Tomuriesa said. The Opposition Leader pointed out that on Friday, the Prime Minister did not welcome the Pope at the airport, a tradition he had accorded to many other wo

Lone mama in NW contest

  May 7, 2021 MOTHER’S DAY By ERIC PIET MAMA karim yu (a mother bore you), is the catchy slogan inscribed on an election poster of the lone female candidate among 41 men in the 2021 Port Moresby North-West by-eection. The seat was left vacant by a senior reformist statesman the late Sir Mekere Morauta, late last year. And, this Sunday May 9, being Mothers’ Day, many will get to remember and celebrate the lives of their mothers (some still living while others have passed on) for myriad reasons, chief among them being that they (mothers/women) are the entry point of human life to this world, which was divinely designed by the Creator. Yes, without that mama one would not be breathing today. And mama did not just leave you there when you were birthed, her responsibilities increased for you, you were reared, and when misfortune visited, mama did not just watch; she would take it head on. She was mama, you were her own, and hers was all joy when you did any good. Mother is everything! So, i

Wiru chief bows out with pride

  May 7, 2021 COVER STORY An officer, father of an MP and chief of a sub-clan leaves what he had loved doing for nearly a half century. Dick Tambua and fellow retirees marching out during their final parade. By JACK NOAH YAMAHA LIKE the saying goes, all good thing must always come to an end. In this instance the ending, however has been historic in itself and needs to be told not only to impress but also educate, motivate and inspire people especially, the young who want to pursue similar life in their future. Wiru man Dick Piele Tambua who has been serving the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) since 1972 quit his career this year, with no regrets but a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. After 48 years of his colourful persevering journey he eventually ended his career on Feb 26 this year as Chief Sergeant Dick Tambua in Goroka, Eastern Highlands. “Few people in life keep on trying after going through many struggles without achieving what they want in life. I have

Call to set up procurement team

  May 14, 2021 Provinces and districts that have yet to establish their procurement committees have until the end of June to set them up, the National Procurement Commission (NPC) says. NPC chief executive officer Simon Bole said this during the swearing-in of three district procurement committees in Port Moresby this week. The three are Ialibu-Pangia in Southern Highlands, South Bougainville in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and Sohe in Northern. Bole said the committees were part of the NPC established in the districts to empower them to procure projects up to K2.5 million compared with the current limit of K500,000. “The procurement reform is part of empowering districts and provinces to deliver goods and services,” he said. “They must make it their business to establish their committees.” Bole said provinces had a threshold of K5 million. He commended the three districts and encouraged those that have yet to establish theirs to have it established before June 30. South Bouga

Suspect involved in alleged killing dies

  May 13, 2021 Main Stories A SUSPECT allegedly involved in the killing of a man from Hela at a settlement in Port Moresby three weeks ago has died, police say. The man was arrested by police in Central and taken to the Port Moresby General Hospital by St John Ambulance officers on Tuesday afternoon. He died yesterday. Badili police station commander Inspector Obert Jerry said the man was wanted for a string of crime. “(He) allegedly stabbed a security guard to death which triggered a bloody retaliation and a wave of skirmishes in some parts of the city between (people from) Hela and Goilala,” he said. “He was also wanted for other murders.” Inspector Jerry said two police teams from Port Moresby had traveled to the junction of Goilala and Kairuku Hiri where they accosted the man. “(He allegedly) retaliated by swinging a bush knife at police which missed a driver. “Policemen acted swiftly by shooting and capturing (him),” he said. Officers at the Boroko Police Station sent an ambulance

Namah’s case to proceed

  May 13, 2021 Main Stories Sir Gibbs Salika By ZEDAIAH KANAU THE Supreme Court will proceed with a case filed by Opposition Leader Belden Namah questioning Parliament’s failure to deal with a motion of no confidence against the prime minister during last November’s session. Namah is also challenging the constitutionality of the 2021 national budget passed during that same session. A five-man bench comprising Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika, Justice David Cannings, Justice Derek Hartshorn, Justice Ere Kariko and Justice Thomas Anis, refused two objection to competency applications filed by Attorney-General Dr Eric Kwa and Speaker Job Pomat after finding no irregularities in Namah’s application. The panel of judges found that Namah’s application was compliant with the rules. The objection to competency applications was on the ground that Namah’s application failed to state the relief for which he was contending and was therefore non-compliant with the Supreme Court rules. Justice Sir Gib

Marchers mourn Imelda

  May 13, 2021 l Main Stories By MIRIAM ZARRIGA WOMEN, men and children – some covered in clay and chanting “we want justice” – marched to Mendi town yesterday as they mourn the killing of Imelda Tupi. Police found Imelda’s body wrapped in a heavy canvas sheet at the back of a vehicle belonging to her doctor husband on Monday. Police took her body to the hospital mortuary and later arrested the husband and two others. Southern Highlands police commander Chief Supt Martin Lakari said investigations were continuing. He said the cause of death was yet to be determined. A police investigation team from Mendi is in Mt Hagen. Police sources said Imelda was allegedly killed in Southern Highlands and her body was being taken to Western Highlands where it was to be disposed of. Imelda’s father Tupi Tiamanda told The National yesterday that he wanted justice for his daughter. He said his daughter was attending the University of Goroka when she met her husband who allegedly assaulted her. “They w

Situation still tense in Alotau

  May 13, 2021 Main Stories By CLIFFORD FAIPARIK MILNE Bay police commander Supt Peter Barkie is warning people visiting Alotau town to take precautions as the situation there is still tense. “We are currently conducting a dangerous police operation to round up Tommy Baker’s gang and we are mindful of visitors coming in from outside centres on short business trips,” he said. “We are not (too worried) about people in the province coming to town as they know (their way) around, before returning to their villages. “But visitors, without realising the (danger), may be caught up in a cross-fire between the police and the gang.” He said three police teams were conducting investigations – the team from Port Moresby, a special investigation team and the local police team. “They are conducting their own investigation and reporting to me on a daily basis,” Supt Barkie said. “They are busy carrying out their operations and will not have time to attend to anyone carelessly moving around town.” Sup

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