Douglas Tomuriesa, Pope Francis and James Marape

  Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa said he is disappointed and embarrassed over the way His Holiness Pope Francis was treated by Prime Minister James Marape over the last three-days during the Papal visit, and the lack of courtesy and respect shown by the Prime Minister. He said the Prime Minister continuously declares PNG as a ‘Christian country’ and prides himself on being a religious individual but he was surprised when the Pope was continuously snubbed by the PM over the weekend since the Pope’s arrival on Friday. “The Pope is the head of the Catholic church, the largest Christian church in the world and he is also a head of state. “PNG not only being a Christian country, but a country that prides itself as a ‘friend to all, enemy to none’, the PM should be according the Pope with the highest level of respect,” Tomuriesa said. The Opposition Leader pointed out that on Friday, the Prime Minister did not welcome the Pope at the airport, a tradition he had accorded to many other wo

Gearing up for World Cup



GREETINGS to our rugby league family and welcome to our 19th edition of “Fulltime Reserve” column for this year, in our favourite rugby league newspaper, The National.
The Papua New Guinea Rugby League’s 2021 World Cup plans received a huge boost this week with the confirmation of Oil Search PNG Orchids captain Elsie Albert’s travel to Australia today after successfully securing a playing contract with the St. Marys Saints women’s rugby league team in the New South Wales women’s rugby league competition.
The PNGRFL is extremely grateful to the tremendous support provided to Elsie by the Australian Embassy and the DFAT team in PNG. We also acknowledge the support of Elsie’s player agent, Mr Robin Kawaipa in Brisbane, who has been instrumental in getting her contract renewed assisting the PNGRFL.
This opportunity follows from her successful debut season with the St George Dragons in the National Women’s Rugby League in Australia last year and the PNGRFL is excited that she is able to continue to represent our country and be an inspiration to young women across PNG.
With less 150 days to the kick-off of the 2021 Rugby League World Cup in England, the PNGRFL has begun finalising preparations and participation plans for the PNG LNG Kumuls and the Oil Search PNG Orchids.
While the Kumuls and Orchids plans were approved earlier this year and confirmed prior to the PNGRFL signing the two ‘Participation Agreements’ for 2021RLWC, the ongoing uncertainty around international travel restrictions and quarantines due to the Covid-19 pandemic means that the PNGRFL has to continuously review and amend the plans for the Kumuls and the Orchids preparation.
The cancellation of the mid-year training camps and Test Matches for the Kumuls and the Orchids to be held in Port Moresby are examples of the ongoing challenges facing the preparation of our national teams.
Despite the ongoing uncertainties due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the PNGRFL is working with all our domestic and international partners to ensure the Kumuls and Orchids progress to the World Cup is as smooth as is possible.
The PNGRFL is working closely with the Host Organising Committee of the 2021RLWC to ensure the Kumuls and the Orchids tournament participation plans, including accommodation, training and trial matches while in England, are finalised and confirmed. A major challenge for the 2021RLWC HOC and the seven Southern Hemisphere teams for the 2021RLWC is around finding an acceptable and safe option for the respective national teams to travel to England and return with minimal disruption and costs to the participating nations. The seven nations include Australia, New Zealand, PNG, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and the Cook Islands.
There are discussions between the 2021RLWC HOC and the seven nations and a final decision on these plans for the 2021RLWC is expected in the next few days. The decision by the 2021RLWC HOC will provide certainty for the PNGRFL to finalise its plans for the World Cup.
Until next week, may the grace, love and care of our Good Lord be with you.


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